The Stimulus Of Impulse Buying Behavior On E-Commerce Shopping Festival: A Moderated-Mediated Analysis

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Yulianto Yulianto
Alexander Sisko
Evelyn Hendriana
Received 2021-09-13, Accepted 2021-10-25, Published 2021-10-26


Studies on impulsive buying signify sales promotion and hedonic shopping motivation as antecedents of impulsive buying behavior during the shopping festival. The availability of different payment methods, such as credit cards and cash on delivery, can make consumers more impulsive. Despite the potential effect of payment methods on impulsive buying behavior, only a few studies are looking at this variable. Hence, this study aims to examine the moderated-mediation effect of attitude toward shopping festivals and cash-on-delivery payment methods in the relationship between sales promotion, hedonic shopping motivation, and impulsive buying behavior. Purposive sampling was applied to select samples that resulted in 210 valid responses. Data were analyzed using PLS-SEM that indicated an indirect effect of the perceived low price on impulsive buying behavior through attitude toward sales promotion during online shopping festivals. Other elements related to sales promotion such as perceived perishability and scarcity did not affect attitude toward sales promotion and impulsive buying behavior. In contrast, hedonic shopping motivation had a direct effect on the impulsive buying behavior and an indirect effect via attitude towards sales promotion. Our finding only supported the moderating role of cash on delivery payment method in the relationship between hedonic shopping motivation and impulsive buying behavior. These findings provide insights to businesses in applying for sales promotion and utilizing customers’ hedonic shopping motivation to maximize their sales during the shopping festival.

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